Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another tasty morsel!

Here is a little section that I particularly like from the first chapter of the story. It describes some of the peculiar events that lead up to Logan and Ruby's trip through time. Tell me what you think about it! Comments please! Don't be shy! -Logan Murphy

You two have fun.  Zai jian.” They said their goodbyes and Ruby and Logan made their way towards the McDonalds.  The weather was cool, but surprisingly nice.  Usually winter was cold and wet in Taiwan, but today felt perfect with just the right amount of a breeze.  As the two made their way to McDonalds, they passed through an alley, hosting traditional Chinese homes on each side, along with a myriad of aromas as the local market was bustling with early morning shoppers.  They passed a stall selling che luen bing (meaning car-tire cookie), a pancake like pastry with various different fillings available.  One of the things Logan loved the most about Taiwan was the immense diversity of the food.  Taiwanese people never stopped eating, and as a result hot food could be purchased from stands on streets everywhere.  When they had emerged through the other side of the alley, it was like walking out from the past, traditional Chinese era and into the modern world, with a McDonalds directly across the street and MRT tracks running high over the road.  And, of course, the ever-present visage of Taipei 101 peeked its head out over the rest of the buildings, managing to appear a short walk away, even though it was still miles off.  The structure seemed to guard over the city, much like the gods of the temple doors that could be found all over this city which managed to seamlessly fuse the old ways with the new.  They crossed the street when the crosswalk light changed green, but they hurried still; a pedestrian was never completely safe in Taiwan, and they had both been struck (though mildly) by cars in the past.  When they reached the restaurant’s entranceway, Logan held the door open for Ruby and then for the Taiwanese couple that was leaving the fast-food store as well; it was a courtesy that was not expected in Taiwanese culture, but Logan had been taught by his father to be polite and kind to others.  As they stood at the counter and looked at the menu, Ruby said, “If we buy two meals, then the second one is half-price.  I want to get a bagel.  What do you want?”
“I think I’ll go with a sausage and egg McMuffin today, with orange juice and a hash brown of course.” Ruby ordered the meal for them and they paid the bill.  Logan didn’t know what he’d do without her; granted, his Chinese wasn’t bad, but he would never be able to read a menu or spot deals as well as a Taiwanese person. 
“I can’t wait to see the exhibition” Said Ruby.  “The government has re-furbished most of the houses in Bao Zang Yan for artists to live in.  Can we have a studio there?” Ruby pleaded.
Logan looked fondly at Ruby, with the slightest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.  Sometimes she was just too cute and always very passionate about her work.  It was one of the things he loved most about her.  “We’ll, let’s go see the place first” Logan replied, knowing full well that if she wanted to live there, he would find a way to make it happen.  “Our order is up” Logan said and he took the bag of food, thanking the cashier in Chinese.  The two walked and ate, and by the time they made it to the bus stop, Logan had already finished his entire meal, along with a few bites of Ruby’s bagel, (guys everywhere know that this is one of the perks of being a boyfriend). 
“So, can I have another hint?” Ruby said.
“Okay.  It’s something that you’ll love.”
           “Is that called a hint ma?”  It was still a few weeks until Christmas, and Logan had been hinting as to what he got Ruby, but he was trying his best to keep the identity of the gift to himself…not as easy as it sounds.  “You’ll just have to wait until Christmas to find out.  If you’re a bad girl, then it may just be coal.” Logan said with a suppressed smile.
            “Hey!” Replied Ruby with a certain amount of dignity.  “I’ve been a good girl!”
            “I know.  I’m just kidding baby, you know how hard it is for me to keep this gift a secret.” Beepbeep “I’m getting a call.  It says that the number is private.  Wei, ni hao, this is Logan.” Chshchshchshchsh “Weird, it’s just static.”  Logan said as he hung up the phone.  

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