Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quick update

Hey all. After a long day of teaching kindergardeners and the subsequent acupuncture treatment, my body is sore and tired. Still, I am here writing, giving you the reader more juicy tidbits to sink your teeth into. The book is progressing along nicely, and I am very happy with a lot of the things that I have been able to put into it. As you continue to follow the story, the conflict between the Taiwanese resistance (which Logan and Ruby have fallen into line with) and the Japanese government escalates. Many action packed and suspenseful moments await. up until now, much of the story has entailed the heros running away from the military, but I promise you that it is all leading up to something. It is going to be BIG. Also, there is an unsuspected romance in the future of one (or more) of the characters...can you guess which one? Thank you for following my book. More samples soon! -Logan Murphy

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